
Holly King

Group Financial Controller

Roles and responsibilities

  • As 大象传媒 Group Financial Controller Holly is responsible for 大象传媒 Group external financial reporting, financial planning, audit, treasury, taxes and internal controls across Group, PSB and Studios.


Holly started working with KPMG external audit and then progressed through multiple senior Financial Control and Business Transformation roles at a PepsiCo Europe. She is a chartered accountant with 25 years of finance experience. Holly is Treasurer for a charity who helps local families through the early years of childhood.

Expenses and central bookings

Expenses are costs incurred by 大象传媒 staff on behalf of the 大象传媒 and claimed through the 大象传媒's expenses system.

Central bookings are costs incurred on behalf of the 大象传媒 and booked through the 大象传媒's central bookings system. Both expenses and central bookings are published every three months.


Gifts and Hospitality Register

Gifts and hospitality may only be accepted in line with 大象传媒 policy. Information about gifts and hospitality is published every three months.


Declaration of Personal Interests

Holly King's Declaration of Personal Interests will be published shortly.

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