
AI 2022: Conference highlights

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AI 2022: The Conference, brought to you by the 大象传媒 Academy, interrogated the complex moral, legal and ethical issues they raise: the mass capture of personal data, bias, hidden environmental and social costs, plus the constant battle against fake news.

Over two days we featured fascinating conversation and debate with experts from the 大象传媒, The Alan Turing Institute, the LSE鈥檚 JournalismAI project, global IT giant Accenture, editorial analytics platform, Chartbeat, The Guardian and the renowned International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. There will be keynotes from Storm Fagan, Chief Product Officer for the 大象传媒, Ofcom鈥檚 Chief Technology Officer, Sachin Jogia, and Michal P臎chou膷ek, CTO at the FTSE 100-listed cyber security company, Avast.

This virtual conference provided an essential forum for discussion amongst those at the cutting edge of AI-related innovation, authorities in how it is being used to modernise newsrooms and journalism, and those charged with protecting the public from irresponsible use of this powerful tool.

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