
Lightning Talks

Personal perspectives to fire your imagination.

Watch 'Lightning Talks'.

What can we learn from nature?

Discover the world of biomimicry with Michael Pawlyn (Architect, writer and speaker, Exploration Architecture), from new ways of manufacturing inspired by glass sponges to imagining cities that could function like forests.

Why are we so W.E.I.R.D and does it matter?

Sarah Stein Lubrano (Writer and Researcher) presents: Much cognitive science, behavioural economics, and psychology has been based on research with participants from Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, and Democratic populations. Studies including people from other cultures have revealed that the rest of the world doesn’t think in the same way…

Food, love and land – the ultimate form of communication?

Join Asma Khan (Chef/Owner and UN WFP Chef Advocate) in exploring how food is our language of love with the land; how eating in harmony with nature doesn’t need to cost a fortune; and how making the ingredients the hero opens up a treasure trove of opportunities – for home cooks and creatives alike.

Commissioner reflections from:

  • Lindsay Bradbury

    Lindsay Bradbury

    Commissioning Editor Factual, ´óÏó´«Ã½ Daytime

  • Jonah Weston

    Jonah Weston

    Commissioning Editor Science and Adventure, Channel 4


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