
Disability Journalism Forum Conference

大象传媒 Academy Fusion in partnership with News UK proudly delivered the Disability Journalism Forum鈥檚 second annual conference aimed at creating equal opportunities for disabled journalists entering and within the media industry.

Disability Journalism Forum

The Disability Journalism Forum (DJF) was founded in 2022 by disabled journalists and allies with the aim of encouraging disabled talent into the media and spelling out to the industry the benefits of employing and promoting disabled and neurodivergent staff.

The aim of DJF is to improve representation of disabled staff in newsrooms across the UK and highlight the impact of disabled journalists within the media industry.

The DJF want to ensure that moving forward, disabled people feel not only can they become a journalist, but they are a vital asset when it comes to education and changing the way that the industry is shaped for the future.

Their key focus this year will be how to ensure new disabled talent can gain access to the media industry. 

Facts and figures

According to the latest Diamond Report by the which reports the current figures of representative diversity in television, disability is still the lowest represented group with figures of 6% off screen and 8.3% on screen.

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