
Rethink Disability Festival 2024

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At the 大象传媒鈥檚 recent Rethink Disability Festival we heard how news and sports journalism needs to become a more inclusive and accessible career path for disabled people. This was more than a discussion; it was a call to action to reshape the media industry and to amplify every voice. Catch up with the highlights above and find out more about how you can help to reclaim the narrative.

Rethink Disability, the 大象传媒's groundbreaking Disability Festival, returned for its second year, bigger and better than ever! 

On Wednesday 4th December, at Media City in Salford, we had a transformative day dedicated to 鈥淩eclaiming the Narrative鈥 in news and sports journalism.

Hosted by 大象传媒 News Senior North America Correspondent Gary O鈥橠onoghue, this year's festival put the spotlight on how we can make media more inclusive and representative for everyone.

The watch again videos below feature discussions about the barriers disabled people face and explore solutions to address them.

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  • Introduction and Keynote

    The 大象传媒鈥檚 Chief Operating Officer and Ability executive sponsor Leigh Tavaziva delivered the festival keynote address underlining the 大象传媒鈥檚 commitment to disability representation.
  • Leaning in to Lived Experiences

    Gary spoke to 大象传媒 senior news leaders about the need for real Deaf/Disabled and Neurodivergent representation and understanding across the newsroom.
  • Disability in Sports Journalism

    How can we ensure that lessons learned from an incredibly inclusive summer of sport become business as usual for sports journalism?
  • How to Bring Down the Barriers

    Learn about the social model and how incorporating it into all aspects of newsroom culture can be beneficial for everyone.
  • The Benefits of Thinking Differently

    Hyperfocus, attention to detail and creative curiosity. We heard about how, with just a little flex, newsrooms can benefit from neurodivergence.
  • Intervention for Inclusion and Reflections

    If we鈥檙e going to have more disabled journalists in our newsrooms, what levers can we pull in order to attract and retain the right people? Plus closing remarks.

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