
Postcard: Marianna Spring

Marianna Spring, the ´óÏó´«Ã½â€™s Specialist Disinformation and Social Media Reporter talks about the hate and mysogynistic abuse targeted at her just for doing her job.

Watch 'Postcard: Marianna Spring'
I've seen that hate escalate throughout the pandemic, particularly people saying that they want you to be hanged or killed people saying they're going to come to your house and hurt you or rape you.
— Marianna Spring, Specialist Disinformation and Social Media Reporter, ´óÏó´«Ã½

How should journalists cope with this kind of abuse and what can be done to protect them? Join us for 'When journalists become the target'  at 14:00 on 30 March to hear from:

  • Mike Wendling - Editor, ´óÏó´«Ã½ Trending
  • Nicolle White - Social Media Wellbeing Advisor, ABC 
  • Hannah Storm - Media consultant specialising in Journalist safety, CBC Radio Canada

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