
Proteus for independent productions

Proteus is the 大象传媒鈥檚 system for managing programme proposals, commissions and programme metadata. This training collection includes guides and tutorial videos which will show you how to use Proteus for each step of your proposal and associated programme鈥檚 life cycle.

How to get started with Proteus

Find out how to log in to Proteus and how to submit a proposal or complete your programme paperwork or by downloading our step-by-step guides

How to guides

Quick reference reminders on when and how to complete the Proteus forms
Brush up on your radio production skills or find out what you need to deliver to the 大象传媒. 大象传媒 Staff can access Proteus support on Gateway
  • Radio and music support Training support for staff and indies working on 大象传媒 Radio online content including iBroadcast and iSite support
  • Information for suppliers to Radio: Making content Find out about what you need to deliver your audio content including information on production systems, contracts, compliance, health and safety, rights and technical specifications
  • 大象传媒 MusicBox Use 大象传媒 MusicBox to source music for 大象传媒 programmes and content, and clear it for use where appropriate
  • 大象传媒 Staff? Find staff specific Proteus support on Gateway

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