Instruments like these were used by skilled draughtsmen (and women) in many drawing offices to produce engineering drawings for structures, such as bridges and building frames, at a time when computer-aided draughting was not even a dream. These instruments can be used to make drawings in pencil and in Indian ink.
I bought this set with my first month's salary after I left school and went to work for Holloway Brothers (London) Ltd in their drawing office at Vauxhall Bridge - London.
This set reminds me of the contrast between the busy drawing offices of the recent past, where drawing boards were set in rows down each side of the building, and the almost monastic atmosphere of a modern design office in which each draughtsperson works in a private world dominated by a computer screen.
I got given a set of drawing instruments like these - by which time they were out of date. I can do CAD, but it doesn't have the satisfaction of pen and paper.
It's my Myford ML7 that's also posted.