

Coming soon

Over seven hallucinatory days, a village with no name, in an undefined time, disappears. Harvest is a neo-Western about townsman-turned-farmer Walter Thirsk (Caleb Landry-Jones) and benevolent lord of the manor Charles Kent (Harry Melling), childhood friends about to face an invasion from the outside world: the trauma of modernity.

The film is an adaptation of the Booker prize-nominated novel Harvest by Jim Crace, hailed as one of the best books of the 21st century by The Guardian.

Athina Rachel Tsangari

Joslyn Barnes and Athina Rachel Tsangari

Caleb Landry-Jones, Harry Melling, Rosy McEwen, Arinzé Kene, Thalissa Teixeira and Frank Dillane

Rebecca O’Brien, Joslyn Barnes, Michael Weber and Viola Fügen, Athina Rachel Tsangari and Marie-Elena Dyche

Credits summary:
Sixteen Films, Louverture Films, and The Match Factory, in co-production with Haos Film, Faliro House Productions and Why Not Productions, and in association with Meraki Films and Roag Films. Backed by Ashland Hill Media Finance, 大象传媒 Film, Screen Scotland and Electric Shadow in the UK; Bayerischer Rundfunk ARTE and Film under Medienstiftung NRW in Germany; the National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication EKOME and the Greek Film Centre in Greece; Arte France and Arte France Cinéma and the Artemis Rising Foundation.

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