We've had some good shows, but they're not daring enough. Let's get rid of the clothes.
If there was one place which defined the spirit of London during the Blitz, it was the Windmill Theatre; its doors always open to receive the boys' home from leave, its famous nude tableaux guaranteeing full houses round the clock- a permanent 'V' sign to the Luftwaffe.
The camaraderie of the theatre was also at its height during the war - a little world of big laughs, close friendships and lost loves. And like the war, it could not last forever.
Judi Dench, Bob Hoskins, Will Young, Kelly Reilly
Stephen Frears
Norma Heyman
Martin Sherman
Executive Producers:
Francois Ivernel, Cameron McCracken, David M. Thompson, Tracey Scoffield, David Aukin, Bob Hoskins
Sales agent:
Credits summary:
Pathé Pictures and 大象传媒 Films present in association with Future Films Limited and Micro-Fusion 2004-I LLP in association with UK Film Council A Heyman Hoskins Production
Running time:
102 mins
25 November 2005
Out on DVD
20 March 2006