
Food choices

A cartoon girl with orange hair wearing green overalls looking confused

Food choices are when we decide to eat different types of food for different reasons.

There are some foods we like and some we don鈥檛 like.

Our likes and dislikes can be different to those of the people around us.

A cartoon girl with orange hair wearing green overalls looking confused
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Why do we like or dislike some foods?

An illustrated glass of pink smoothie with a strawberry and blueberries in the top

We might like some food because:

  • it tastes nice
  • it looks tasty
  • it smells good and makes us want to eat it

We might dislike some food because:

  • it doesn't taste nice
  • it doesn鈥檛 look tasty or familiar
  • it doesn鈥檛 smell very nice
An illustrated glass of pink smoothie with a strawberry and blueberries in the top
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Why do we choose the food we eat?

People make food choices for many reasons including:

  • religious or cultural beliefs
  • if they have an allergy or a food intolerance
  • what time of day it is
  • where they are going to eat

Our food choices might also depend on whether we are hungry, what mood we are in, what weather or season it is or even whether it is good for the planet.

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Religious or cultural food choices

Some people may choose foods that are special to them in their religion.

In some religions, people eat foods that have been prepared in a special way. Some people might also have rules about not eating certain foods because of their beliefs or culture.


In Islam, halal is the name given to foods that are permitted or that have been prepared in a certain way following Islamic teachings.

For example, certain foods like pork are forbidden in Islam.


In Judaism, Jewish people cannot eat anything that isn't kosher.

'Kosher' describes a food that adheres to a set of rules called kashrut. These rules inform Jewish people how to prepare and eat food following Jewish teachings.

For example, Jewish people who follow a kosher diet are not allowed to eat pork or shellfish.


Many Hindus avoid eating beef because cows are considered very important in Hinduism.

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Religious celebration foods

Some foods are eaten as a part of special celebrations. Here are some examples of special celebration foods.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, A bowl of rice with nuts and fruit, Wesak - Eight treasure rice Eight treasure rice is eaten during the Buddhist celebration of Wesak. It is made from rice and eight different 鈥榯reasures鈥 that can be fruits, nuts or sweets.
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Food allergies and intolerances

Certain foods can cause some people to feel unwell or their body to react. This is known as a or a

A food allergy can be very dangerous and make some people very ill.

Some people can be allergic to things such as milk, nuts and shellfish.

A loaf of bread on a purple chopping board. The bread is labelled 'Gluten-free'

A food intolerance is not usually as serious as a food allergy, but it can still make people feel unwell.

It could be just one ingredient in a certain food that some people need to avoid or eat less of.

For example, some people can be intolerant to gluten, which can be found in most types of bread.

Gluten-free bread is usually a better choice for people with a gluten intolerance.

A loaf of bread on a purple chopping board. The bread is labelled 'Gluten-free'
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When do we choose food?

A yellow lunch box with blue stars on, containing a yoghurt, a carton of orange juice, two strawberries, a bread roll, an apple and carrot sticks

The time of day can also affect the food that we choose.

It is important to have regular meals every day to give our bodies energy and stay healthy.

  • For breakfast, we might choose foods that are quick and easy to make and give us energy for the day.
  • At lunchtime, we might choose a healthy school meal or foods that we can put into a packed lunch.
  • For our evening meal, we might choose a bigger meal that keeps us full until our next meal at breakfast.
  • To give us energy between meals, we can choose healthy snacks, such as an apple, a yoghurt or some carrot sticks.
A yellow lunch box with blue stars on, containing a yoghurt, a carton of orange juice, two strawberries, a bread roll, an apple and carrot sticks
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Where do we make food choices?

A girl dressed in green t-shirt, purple shorts and pink trainers. With her hair in a long plait. Next to her a boy in an orange t-shirt and blue shorts and trainers

There are lots of different places where we make food choices:

  • at home
  • at school
  • at a restaurant
  • at a party with friends

You might choose certain foods depending on where you are.

For example, you might choose a banana when you go for a walk in the park because it is easier to eat on the go.

A girl dressed in green t-shirt, purple shorts and pink trainers. With her hair in a long plait. Next to her a boy in an orange t-shirt and blue shorts and trainers
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Key words

Food allergyFood allergies are when some types of food make someone poorly, cause a rash on their body or make it hard for them to breathe.
Food intoleranceA food intolerance is when a type of food or ingredient makes a person's stomach feel uncomfortable. It isn鈥檛 usually as serious as an allergy and the person might still be able to eat a little bit of the food.
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Activity: Make your own picnic

Why not have a go at this quiz and create a picnic for you and your friends to share? Think about which foods they like to eat.

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