
Key points

  • is stored in many systems in our homes.

  • Energy can be transferred between energy stores.

  • Some appliances are more powerful than others so energy can transfer faster.

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Common energy stores

There are different stores of .

Have a look at this slideshow to explore more about different stores of energy.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 5, A sprinter leaving her blocks at the start of a race. Her kinetic store fills up., The kinetic store of an object is filled when an object speeds up, and it empties when an object slows down
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Common energy transfers in the home

In the home, can be transferred by:

  • mechanical work 鈥 when a force is applied to move an object over a distance

  • electrical work 鈥 when charge flows (electricity)

  • heating 鈥 when there is difference in temperatures

  • radiation 鈥 when energy is transferred as a wave, for example as light or sound.

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Common energy stores and transfers in the home

A washing machine plugged in.

Washing machine

Charges flow in the wires of the motor.

is transferred by doing electrical work to the kinetic energy store of the motor. The motor turns.

A washing machine plugged in.
A lamp lugged into a socket.


Charges flow through the filament bulb. Energy is transferred by electrical working to the thermal energy store of the filament bulb. The bulb gets hot.

Energy transfers from the thermal energy store of the bulb by heating and light.

A lamp lugged into a socket.
A kettle plugged into a socket on the wall.


Charges flow through the heating element of the kettle. Energy is transferred by electrical working to the thermal energy store of the element. The element gets hot.

Energy transfers from the hot element to the water by heating. The water gets hot.

A kettle plugged into a socket on the wall.
A gas hob with the flame lit.

Gas cooker

Methane gas is a fuel. Energy from its chemical energy store is transferred to the thermal energy store of the flame as it burns.

Energy is transferred by heating and light from the hot flame to the surroundings.

A gas hob with the flame lit.
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Electrical appliances

An appliance label.
Image caption,
A sticker showing the power rating of an appliance in the home

If you look at the electrical appliances found in your home you may see labels that show the power rating of the appliance.

is the amount of transferred each second. Power is measured in watts (W).

An appliance label.
Image caption,
A sticker showing the power rating of an appliance in the home

If you have a device that has a power rating of 100 watts, this means that 100 of energy are transferred each second.

Some appliances transfer large amounts of energy so their power rating is shown in kilowatts (kW)

1 kilowatt = 1000 watts

1kW = 1000 W

So therefore:

2 kW = 2 x 1000 W

2 kW = 2000 W

A sticker showing domestic energy ratings.
Image caption,
A label shows how energy efficient appliances are

Some appliances are more energy efficient than others. A label shows how energy efficient they are.

Choosing a more energy efficient appliance can reduce energy bills.

A sticker showing domestic energy ratings.
Image caption,
A label shows how energy efficient appliances are
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Calculating energy transfers

The power rating of an appliance can be used to calculate the amount of transferred whilst it is being used. Apply the following formula to do this:

\(Energy~transferred = Power \times time\)

Energy transferred in joules (J).

Power in watts (W).

Times in seconds (s).


A 800 Watt microwave oven is switched on for 40 seconds. How much energy is transferred to the microwave oven?

\(Energy~transferred = Power \times time\)

\(E =P \times t\)

\(E= 800~W \times 40~s\)

\(E= 32~000~J\)

This answer could also be written as 32 kJ (32 kilojoules).

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Converting between hours, minutes and seconds

wall clock

An appliance is often used for several minutes or hours.

To calculate an transfer value in , the time value must be converted into seconds.

wall clock
A sign which says 'remember'

There are 60 seconds in a minute. There are 60 minutes in an hour.

Example 1

Convert 5 minutes into seconds.

Remember 1 minute = 60 seconds.

There are 60 seconds per minute. This can be written as 60 seconds/minute.

5 minutes converted to seconds is:

\(5~minutes \times 60~seconds/minute = 300~seconds\)

Example 2

Convert 2 hours into seconds.

Step 1 - convert hours into minutes.

1 hour = 60 minutes.

There are 60 minutes per hour. This can be written as 60 minutes/hour.

2 hours converted to minutes is:

\(2~hours \times 60~minute/hour = 120~minutes\)

Step 2 - convert the minutes into seconds.

1 minute = 60 seconds.

120 minutes converted to seconds is:

\(120~mins \times 60~seconds/minute = 7200~seconds\)

2 hours = 7200 seconds.

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Calculating the amount of energy transferred

Example 1

A 2000 watt kettle is turned on for 2 minutes. Calculate the energy transfer to the kettle.

\(Power = 2000~W\)

\( Energy~transferred = ?\)

\(Time = 2~minutes\)

Step 1 - Convert time to seconds:

\(2~minutes \times 60~seconds/minute = 120~seconds\)

Step 2 - Substitute values into equation:

\(Energy~transferred = power \times time\)

\(E = P \times t\)

\(Energy~transferred = 2000~W \times 120~s\)

\(Energy~transferred = 240~000~J\)

If a 2000 W kettle is turned on for 2 minutes, the energy transferred to the kettle is a a total of 240 000 J (240 kJ).

Example 2

A 5 kW oven is turned on for 2 hours. Calculate the energy transfer to the oven.

\(Power = 5~kW\)

\(Energy~transferred = ?\)

\(Time = 2~hours\)

Step 1- convert the power from kW to W:

\(5~kW \times 1000~W/kW = 5000~W\)

Step 2 - convert the time into seconds:

\(2~hours \times 60~minutes/hour = 120~minutes\)

\(120~minutes \times 60~seconds/minute = 7200~seconds\)

Step 3- substitute the values into the equation:

\(Energy~transferred = power \times time\)

\(Energy~transferred = 5000 \times 7200\)

\(Energy~transferred = 36~000~000~J\)

This shows us that 36,000,000 J (36 000kJ) of energy are transferred to a 5 kW oven that is turned on for 2 hours.

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Energy bills

Energy companies monitor the amount of energy transferred to our homes using meters.

The companies then use readings from these meters to calculate an electricity or gas bill.

A domestic electricity meter
Image caption,
A domestic electricity meter
A domestic gas meter.
Image caption,
A domestic gas meter

Energy is usually measured in joules (J). One joule of energy is transferred to a one watt device used for one second.

\(Energy~transferred = power \times time\)

\(E = P \times t\)

\(1~J = 1~W \times 1~s\)

However energy companies use a different unit called kilowatt hours (kWh).

Appliances are usually used for long periods of time so very large amounts of energy are transferred.

1 kWh is the amount of energy transferred to a 1kW appliance in 1 hour.

\(Energy~transferred = power \times time\)

\(1~kWh = 1~kW \times 1~h\)

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Calculating how much to pay

Energy companies have a set price per kWh or 鈥榰nit鈥 used. They calculate the energy bill using the following equation:

\(Total~cost = amount~of~energy~used~in~kWh \times cost~per~kWh\)


Gas central heating is used for two weeks. 320 kWh of energy is transferred in.

If 1 kWh costs 5p, calculate the cost of using the central heating.

Total cost = ?

Energy used = 320 kWh

Cost per kWh = 5p

Total cost = amount of energy used in kWh x cost per kWh

Total cost = 320 kWh x 5 p / kWh

Total cost = 1 600 p (or 拢16).

Click to have a look at a further example.

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