Emma-Louise: Ahoy mateys! Let's make a pirate ship.
First, find some items around the house that you can reuse to make your pirate ship. You'll need a pencil, a clean egg box, and a piece of paper about the size of your box. If you don't have an egg box, you could use a juice or cereal box. You only need the bottom of the egg box, so start by tearing off the top.
Next, you need to poke a few holes. So, ask an adult to help you. First, poke a hole near one edge of the paper with your pencil鈥 in the middle, like this. Poke another hole near the opposite edge. Then, poke a hole in one of the bumps of the egg carton. Now, push the pencil through one hole in the paper.
Then bend the paper and push the pencil through the other hole. Next, carefully push the pencil into the egg carton.Well done, that's it. You can decorate your ship however you like.
Now we've finished decorating, it's time to set sail. What makes all ships special is that they can float on water, but a car sinks to the bottom. Some other things can float, like a duck or a beach ball or a leaf. Can you think of anything else?
Okay. Have fun with your pirate ship.