

After the scare of The Cuban Missile Crisis and then the humiliation of the Vietnam War, the 1970s saw the USA, the USSR and China making an effort to improve relations.

This led to a period known as 诲茅迟别苍迟别, a word meaning the relaxing of tension.

Reasons for USSR involvement

Unrest in Afghanistan

Unrest in Afghanistan

Afghanistan bordered some of the USSR.

During the 1970s, the USSR became increasingly nervous about its neighbour.

Afghanistan, although a poor country, had valuable gas fields which the USSR wished to exploit.

It was also a centre of Muslim unrest.

In 1975, Muslim extremists had rebelled and had continued to attack the Afghan government.

The USSR feared the unrest might unsettle Muslims living within the USSR.

The unrest culminated in an uprising in September 1979 when Hafizullah Amin, a but also anti-Soviet, seized power.

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The actions of the USSR

Mujahideen fighters in Kitzkai Valley on a conquered Soviet vehicle, July 1980
Image caption,
Mujahideen fighters in Kitzkai Valley on a conquered Soviet vehicle, July 1980

On the 24th December 1979, Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan.

Amin was assassinated and a pro-Moscow leader, Babrak Karmal, was installed in his place.

The USSR poured billions of dollars into the war in Afghanistan which lasted for ten years.

The fought against the Afghan troops in a similar fashion to the guerrilla warfare used by the in the Vietnam War.

They ambushed Soviet supply convoys and hid in the mountains or with the civilian population.

The Soviet forces simply could not defeat them.

When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power as the new Soviet leader in 1988, he decided that the USSR should begin the process of withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

In 1989, the last Soviet troops left the country.


How did America react to the invasion of Afghanistan?

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The short term consequences of the war

Illustration showing the short-term consequences of the Soviet-Afghan war in the 1980s
  • The USSR lost 15,000 troops, but the true damage was done to its image and from the billions of dollars it spent during the war.
  • Afghanistan became the Soviet Union鈥檚 Vietnam 鈥 an expensive, embarrassing war with little hope of victory, where they were beaten by local .
  • raged after the Soviet withdrawal, setting the stage for the takeover of the country in 1996.
  • Several million Afghans had either fled to Pakistan for refuge or had become internal .
  • An estimated one million civilians were killed.
  • Afghanistan was left in ruins.
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The impact on relations

  • Destroyed : USA withdrew from trade and the 1980 Olympics in Moscow.
  • Criticism within USSR: start of its downfall.
  • Afghanistan abandoned: paved the way for the .
  • Increase in weapons: nuclear missiles were placed in Britain and Europe by USA.
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