
Exam practice

  • GCSE maths: Exam-style quiz by topic

    Try this quiz based on GCSE Maths past papers. Choose the topic you would like to revise and answer the questions.

  • GCSE Maths: exam-style questions

    Free interactive maths quizzes based on Edexcel foundation and higher past papers to help you prepare for your GCSE exams, covering common errors in algebra, graphs.

  • GCSE Maths: quick-fire questions

    Prepare for your Edexcel GCSE maths higher or foundation exam with this free interactive quiz covering topics including fractions, equations and algebra.


  • Quiz: Whole numbers

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying writing whole numbers as words, ordering whole numbers, and multiplying and dividing whole numbers.

  • Quiz: Whole numbers 2

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying order of operations, negative numbers, adding and subtracting negative numbers.

  • Quiz: Approximation

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying approximation, rounding to decimal places, rounding to significant figures, truncation, estimating calculations.

  • Quiz: Decimals

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying place value and ordering decimals, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals.

  • Quiz: Multiples and factors

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying multiples and factors, prime, square and cube numbers, powers and roots, and highest common factor.

  • Quiz: Laws of indices

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying using an index or power, law of indices – multiplication and division, and raising a power to a power.

  • Quiz: Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying converting decimals to fractions and percentages, fractions to decimals, and percentages to decimals.

  • Quiz: Fractions

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying ordering fractions, using fractions, mixed numbers and improper fractions and fraction arithmetic.

  • Quiz: Fractions 2

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying ordering and using fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions, fraction arithmetic, and fractions of amounts.

  • Quiz: Standard form

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying standard form, converting from standard form, ordering numbers in standard form, and calculating standard form.

  • Quiz: Surds

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying simplifying surds, adding and subtracting surds and rationalising denominators.

  • Quiz: Financial mathematics

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying wages and salaries, salary and pay, profit and loss, bank statements and savings and VAT.

  • Quiz: Algebraic expressions

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying expressions, simplifying expressions, expanding brackets, expanding double brackets and expanding three brackets.

  • Quiz: Algebraic expressions 2

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying factorising, using algebra to demonstrate an argument, and proof.

  • Quiz: Algebraic formulae

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying formulae, substitution, creating formulae, changing the subject of a formula, rearranging formulae.

  • Quiz: Solving linear equations

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying equations and identities, number machines, and solving equations.

  • Quiz: Solving simultaneous equations

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying simultaneous equations, and solving simultaneous examples with no common coefficients.

  • Quiz: Solving quadratic equations

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying solving quadratic equations by completing the square, and quadratic functions.

  • Quiz: Solving quadratic equations 2

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying finding roots by factorising, finding the turning point and the line of symmetry.

  • Quiz: Inequalities

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying inequalities, solving inequalities, integer solutions to inequalities and graphs of inequalities.

  • Quiz: Sequences

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying using the nth term, finding the nth term of quadratic sequences, geometric sequences, and special sequences.

  • Quiz: Straight line graphs

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying coordinates, straight line graphs, parallel and perpendicular lines and equations of a line through two points.

  • Quiz: Other graphs

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying quadratic graphs, cubic graphs, reciprocal graphs, exponential graphs.

  • Quiz: Transformation of curves – Higher

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying translating graphs and reflections of graphs.

  • Quiz: Algebraic fractions

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying simplifying rational expressions, factorising, and adding and subtracting rational expressions.

  • Quiz: Using and interpreting graphs

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE maths students studying real-life graphs, distance-time and displacement-time graphs, speed-time and velocity-time graphs.


  • Whole numbers - Edexcel

    Numbers can be written in words. Both positive and negative numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided using rules. These rules must be applied in a specific order.

  • Approximation - Edexcel

    Approximation includes estimation, rounding to powers of 10, decimal places and significant figures.

  • Decimals - Edexcel

    Decimals are used every day, for example, when using money. Knowing how to use decimal points and places when adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying is an important mathematical skill.

  • Multiples and factors - Edexcel

    Prime numbers, factors and multiples are essential building blocks for a lot of number work. Knowledge of how to use these numbers will improve arithmetic and make calculations more efficient.

  • Standard form - Edexcel

    Calculations with very big or small numbers can be made easier by converting numbers in and out of standard form.

  • Laws of indices - Edexcel

    Indices are used to show numbers that have been multiplied by themselves. They can be used instead of the roots such as the square root. The rules make complex calculations that involve powers easier.

  • Fractions - Edexcel

    Fractions are used commonly in everyday life, eg sale prices at 1/3 off, or recipes using 1/2 a tablespoon of an ingredient. Knowing how to use fractions is an important mathematical skill.

  • Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages - Edexcel

    Fractions, decimals and percentages are frequently used in everyday life. Knowing how to convert between them improves general number work and problem solving skills.

  • Surds - Higher - Edexcel

    Surds are numbers left in square root form that are used when detailed accuracy is required in a calculation. They are numbers which, when written in decimal form, would go on forever.

  • Financial mathematics - Edexcel

    Financial maths is needed for all jobs, from calculating wages to working out profit, loss and VAT. Knowledge of financial maths is also required to be able to understand bank statements and savings.


  • Algebraic expressions - Edexcel

    Letters can be used to stand for unknown values or values that can change. Formulas can be written and equations solved to find solutions to a range of problems in science and engineering.

  • Algebraic formulae - Edexcel

    Formulae are used in everyday life, from working out areas and volumes of shapes to converting units of measurement. Knowing how to use and rearrange formulae are very useful skills.

  • Solving linear equations - Edexcel

    Forming, using and solving equations are skills needed in many different situations. From balancing accounts to making sense of a mobile phone bill, solving equations is a vital skill.

  • Solving simultaneous equations - Edexcel

    Simultaneous equations require algebraic skills to find the values of letters within two or more equations. They are called simultaneous equations because the equations are solved at the same time.

  • Solving quadratic equations - Edexcel

    Solve quadratic equations by factorising, using formulae and completing the square. Each method also provides information about the corresponding quadratic graph.

  • Algebraic fractions - Edexcel

    Algebraic expressions in fraction form are rational. Methods of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions plus expanding and factorising can be used to simplify rational expressions.

  • Inequalities - Edexcel

    Inequalities show the relationship between two expressions that are not equal to one another. Inequalities are useful when projecting profits and breakeven figures.

  • Sequences - Edexcel

    Sequences can be linear, quadratic or practical and based on real-life situations. Finding general rules helps find terms in sequences.

  • Straight line graphs - Edexcel

    Graphs show the relationship between two variables and are often seen in newspapers and the media. People who work in professions involving maths and science commonly use graphs.

  • Other graphs - Edexcel

    The most commonly occurring graphs are quadratic, cubic, reciprocal, exponential and circle graphs. Their equations can be used to plot their shape.

  • Transformation of curves - Higher - Edexcel

    Functions of graphs can be transformed to show shifts and reflections. Graphic designers and 3D modellers use transformations of graphs to design objects and images.

  • Using and interpreting graphs - Edexcel

    Using graphs is not just about reading off values. In real-life contexts, the intercept, gradient and area underneath the graph can have important meanings such as a fixed charge, speed or distance.

Ratio, proportion and rates of change

  • Ratio in context - Edexcel

    Ratios are seen in everyday life. They can be used when adding ingredients to make a meal, when deciding how much pocket money children get or when reading a map.

  • Percentages - Edexcel

    Percentages are used in everyday life, for example, calculating discounts during sales and interest rates at banks. Knowing how to find and use percentages is an important skill.

  • Direct and inverse proportion - Edexcel

    Proportion is used to show how quantities and amounts are related to each other. The amount that quantities change in relation to each other is governed by proportion rules.

Geometry and measure

  • Angles, lines and polygons - Edexcel

    Polygons are multi-sided shapes with different properties. Shapes have symmetrical properties and some can tessellate.

  • Loci and constructions - Edexcel

    Loci are a set of points with the same property. Loci can be used to accurately construct lines and shapes. Bearings are three figure angles measured clockwise from North.

  • 2-dimensional shapes - Edexcel

    2-dimensional shapes are flat. The perimeter of a 2D shape is the total distance around the outside of the shape. The area of a 2D shape is the space inside the shape.

  • 3-dimensional shapes - Edexcel

    3-dimensional shapes have faces, edges and vertices. Volume is the space contained within a 3D shape. Surface area is the sum of the area of each face. 3D shapes can be viewed from different points.

  • Circles, sectors and arcs - Edexcel

    The circumference of a circle is its outside edge, and is the same distance from the centre at every point along its length. This distance is called the radius. Learn how to measure and calculate these, along with the area and diameter of a circle.

  • Circle theorems - Higher - Edexcel

    Circles have different angle properties described by different circle theorems. Circle theorems are used in geometric proofs and to calculate angles.

  • Transformations - Edexcel

    Transformations change the size or position of shapes. Congruent shapes are identical, but may be reflected, rotated or translated. Scale factors can increase or decrease the size of a shape.

  • Pythagoras' theorem - Edexcel

    Pythagoras’ theorem can be used to calculate the length of any side in a right-angled triangle. Pythagoras’ theorem can be applied to solve 3-dimensional problems.

  • Units of measure - Edexcel

    Units of measurement let us describe and compare length, weight, area, volume, density and other values. Units can be imperial or metric and they can be converted using conversion factors.

  • Trigonometry - Edexcel

    The three trigonometric ratios; sine, cosine and tangent are used to calculate angles and lengths in right-angled triangles. The sine and cosine rules calculate lengths and angles in any triangle.

  • Vectors - Edexcel

    A vector quantity has both size and direction. Vectors can be added, subtracted and multiplied by a scalar. Geometrical problems can be solved using vectors.


  • Probability - Edexcel

    Probabilities can be written as fractions, decimals or percentages on a scale from 0 to 1. Knowing basic facts about equally likely outcomes can help to solve more complicated problems.


  • Collecting data - Edexcel

    Many companies and organisations collect data to improve their information and products. Skills in collecting data can make this process more efficient and reliable.

  • Representing data - Edexcel

    Data is represented in many different forms. Using bar charts, pie charts and frequency diagrams can make information easier to digest.

  • Analysing data - Edexcel

    In statistics there are three types of average: the mean, the median and the mode. Measures of spread such as the range and the interquartile range can be used to reach statistical conclusions.

Problem solving

  • Solving 'number' problems - Edexcel

    Number problems often involve a combination of fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. They can be set in a real-life context. A framework can be used to tackle these problems.

  • Solving 'graphical' problems - Edexcel

    Graphical problems will usually be linked to a real-life situation. Travel graphs, temperature graphs and conversion graphs are common graphs. A framework can be used to tackle graphical problems.

  • Solving 'geometric' problems - Edexcel

    Geometric problems can involve finding the perimeter and area of shapes like triangles and quadrilaterals. Knowledge of shape properties is essential. A framework can be used to tackle these problems.

  • Solving 'algebraic' problems - Edexcel

    Algebra problems can relate to any area of maths. Problems often include a mix of algebra, number and geometry. A framework can be used to tackle these problems.

  • Solving 'statistical' problems - Edexcel

    Statistical problems can involve calculating the mean, median, mode and range. Diagrams may include information which needs to be extracted. A framework can be used to tackle these problems.
