
Exam practice

  • GCSE Physics: exam-style quiz by topic

    Try this quiz based on GCSE Physics past papers. Choose the topic you would like to revise and answer the questions.

  • GCSE Physics: exam-style questions

    Use our interactive tests to understand how the OCR Gateway foundation and higher physics GCSE exams work. Revise topics such as forces and learn equations and formulae.

  • GCSE Physics: quick-fire questions

    Free quiz to help you revise for your OCR Gateway foundation and higher GCSE exams, based on GCSE physics past papers. Revise formulae, equations and more.


  • Forces

    Learn all about forces for your GCSE physics exams, with scientists James Stewart and Ellie Hurer.

  • Electricity

    Scientists James Stewart and Ellie Hurer guide you through the key facts about electricity for GCSE physics.

  • Energy

    Learn all about energy for your GCSE physics exam, with Ellie Hurer and James Stewart.

  • Science exam techniques

    Learn all about science exam techniques for your GCSE science exams with Dr Alex Lathbridge.


  • Quiz: Temperature changes and energy

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying states of matter, internal energy, energy and temperature, specific heat capacity and specific latent heat.

  • Quiz: Particles in gases

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying particle motion, gas pressure and temperature, gas pressure and volume and changing gas pressure - Higher.

  • The particle model and density - OCR Gateway

    Matter is made up of atoms about 0.1 nm in size. Atoms and molecules are arranged differently in solids, liquids and gases. Density is calculated from mass divided by volume.

  • Energy, temperature and change of state - OCR Gateway

    Changes in temperature or physical state are caused by transfers of energy. Specific heat capacity determines the energy needed to change temperature, and specific latent heat is the energy needed to change state.

  • Gases - OCR Gateway

    Gases and liquids exert pressure on objects and the walls of their containers due to collisions. The greater the force and frequency of these collisions, the greater the pressure.

  • Sample exam questions - matter - OCR Gateway

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.


  • Quiz: Scalar and vector quantities

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying scalar quantities, vector quantities and calculations involving forces.

  • Quiz: Moments, levers and gears

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying moments, moments and balanced objects, levers and gears.

  • Quiz: Momentum - Higher

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying momentum calculations, conservation of momentum and force and momentum.

  • Scalar and vector quantities - OCR Gateway

    Scientists often make measurements. The physical quantities they measure fall into two categories: scalars and vectors. Scalar and vector quantities are treated differently in calculations.

  • Motion - OCR Gateway

    Speed and velocity refer to the motion of an object. Distance-time and velocity-time graphs can be a useful way of analysing motion.

  • Newton's laws - OCR Gateway

    Isaac Newton’s laws surrounding forces were formulated hundreds of years ago, but are still used today - they help to describe the relationship between a body and the forces that act upon it.

  • Momentum, work and power - OCR Gateway

    Momentum can be thought of as the product of mass and velocity. Momentum helps explain some of the most important interactions in nature.

  • Forces and elasticity - OCR Gateway

    Forces are responsible for changing the motion of object. If more than one force is present, the shape of an object can also be changed.

  • Mass, weight and gravitational field strength - OCR Gateway

    Gravity is one of the most important forces in the universe. An object with mass in a gravitational field experiences a force known as weight.

  • Moments, levers and gears - OCR Gateway

    Turning forces are found in many everyday situations and are essential for machines to function. Levers and gears make use of these turning forces to aid movement.

  • Pressure - OCR Gateway

    Every living thing on Earth is in balance with the pressure of the air or water around it. Pressure helps blood to move around the body and allows organisms to breathe.

  • Sample exam questions - forces - OCR Gateway

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.


  • Static and charge - OCR Gateway

    Electric current is caused by moving electric charges. The effects of charge and electric fields can be investigated by looking at the forces they exert on conductors and insulators.

  • Electric circuits - OCR Gateway

    Electrical current transfers energy around circuits. There are two different types of circuits – series and parallel.

  • Resistance - OCR Gateway

    Electrical current depends on resistance and potential difference. Different electrical components have different characteristics. These can be investigated using suitable circuits and apparatus.

  • Sample exam questions - electricity - OCR Gateway

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Magnetism and magnetic forces

  • Magnetic fields - OCR Gateway

    Magnetism is caused by the fields that exist around magnets. These magnetic fields can be investigated by looking at the effects of the forces they exert on other magnets and magnetic materials.

  • Uses of magnetism - Higher - OCR Gateway

    Electromagnetism is caused by the magnetic fields around wires carrying an electric current. The induced magnetic field of a wire can interact with other nearby magnets, producing a force.

  • Electromagnetic induction - Higher - OCR Gateway

    Electromagnetic induction can create a voltage. This voltage can make current flow, and the effect is used in electricity generation.

  • Transformers - Higher - OCR Gateway

    Transformers use electromagnetic induction to change the potential difference of alternating currents. Potential difference and current changes can be calculated, as the power transfer is constant.

  • Sample exam questions - magnetism and magnetic forces - OCR Gateway

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Waves in matter


  • Radioactivity - OCR Gateway

    Unstable atomic nuclei emit radiation. Each type of radiation has different properties and interacts with matter in varying ways. Radioactive decay is random but can be measured.

  • Uses and dangers of radioactivity - OCR Gateway

    People are exposed to sources of radiation in all aspects of everyday life. Radioactive sources can be very useful but need handling carefully to ensure safety.

  • Sample exam questions - radioactivity - OCR Gateway

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.


  • Energy stores and transfers - OCR Gateway

    Energy can be described as being in different 'stores'. It cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transferred, dissipated or stored in different ways.

  • Quiz: Change in energy stores

    This interactive quiz is aimed at GCSE physics students studying types of energy store, energy transfers, energy dissipation, the conservation of energy and energy calculations.

  • Power and efficiency - OCR Gateway

    Power is the rate at which energy is transferred. The amount of energy usefully transferred in a system determines how efficient that system is.

  • Sample exam questions - energy - OCR Gateway

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Global challenges

  • Quiz: The Solar System

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying the structure of the Solar System, the Sun, orbital motion and orbits and speed - Higher.

  • Everyday motion - OCR Gateway

    Everyday, people and vehicles travel at different speeds and are exposed to large accelerations and forces.

  • Energy demands and resources - OCR Gateway

    Much of the energy used on Earth is supplied by electricity which must be generated from other energy stores – some are renewable but most are non-renewable.

  • Electricity - OCR Gateway

    The electricity used in homes, shops, hospitals and factories has to be transported large distances from power stations without energy being lost to the surroundings.

  • The Universe - OCR Gateway

    Theories about the Universe's development, such as the Big Bang theory, are based on astronomical observations such as red-shift and cosmic microwave background radiation.

  • The Solar System, orbital motion and stars - OCR Gateway

    The Sun is a relatively small star when compared to other stars in the Universe. The Solar System contains the Sun and everything that orbits it.

  • Uses of waves and electromagnetic radiation - OCR Gateway

    All objects emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation, which is essential for life on Earth. Waves can be used to probe inside the Earth to examine its internal structure.

  • Sample exam questions - global challenges - OCR Gateway

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Practical skills

  • Quiz: Scientific skills

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying planning, observing, analysing, evaluating an experiment and scientific equipment.

  • Scientific skills - OCR Gateway

    Scientific investigations have several stages - planning, collecting data, analysing data and evaluation. It is important to understand how to carry out each stage of the investigation.
