
An ageing UK population

A map of the UK's ageing population demonstrates many regional patterns. Areas along the south and east coast of England have much older populations, while parts of our major cities like London have more youthful populations.

The highest percentage of over 65s in the UK are found in East Sussex, Somerset and Norfolk.
Figure caption,
Percentage UK population that is aging (65+)

Effects of an ageing population

  • Healthcare - there will be a greater need for healthcare, particularly geriatric wards and for expensive specialist health services such as hip replacements. This will mean higher costs and also the possibility of a shortage of staff.
A photo showing a man on a geriatric ward.
  • Welfare services - an older population will need an increase in services such as meals on wheels and home care. This will require extra staff and will also cost more.
  • Housing issues - there will also be housing problems as there will be an increase in demand for retirement homes. These are expensive and could lead to an increase in taxes paid by the working population.
A photo showing the need for social care in the UK is set to rise.
  • Economic costs - as well as the increased costs for health and welfare services, there could also be increased pension costs. This could result in a fall in the value of pensions causing increases in pensioner poverty, or tax rises may be required to meet the needs of the increasing population of pensioners.