
Causes and consequences of uneven development – WJEC Why is the world unevenly developed?

The world has developed very differently across regions and by continent. The consequences of uneven development can be observed clearly by examining different regions and countries of the world.

Part of GeographyDevelopment and resource issues

Why is the world unevenly developed?

There are many factors which lead to, and have led to, the world being unevenly developed. From historical human factors such as conflict (war) and political instability, to physical factors such as climate, and natural hazards. It is important to recognise and understand the range of geo-political factors, such as global trade, which is one of the most important issues affecting a country’s development today.

Two bedouin tents and camels in the foreground with with huge sand dunes towering above them.
Image caption,
Physical factors such as climate can impact on development level

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