
Wealth and poverty What does Buddhism teach about wealth and poverty?

Many people suffer with the consequences of extreme poverty, particularly in the developing world. Religions agree that more should be done to help those who are suffering.

Part of Religious StudiesHuman rights - Unit 2

What does Buddhism teach about wealth and poverty?

Buddhism teaches the following about wealth and poverty.

  • All human beings should display to each other as part of a community. This involves helping people living in poverty whenever possible.
  • Owning wealth is not seen as an issue - but the belief is that it can cause , if it is the focus of greed, and gained through .
  • or 'intentional action' is a Buddhist belief. This means that wealth is also seen as a great opportunity for generosity, which benefits the recipient, and also the giver since it is a good action.
  • The possession of wealth can be seen as the outcome of good actions in the past. Wealth, therefore, can bring happiness.
There is no satisfying the senses, not even with a shower of money
The Buddha

Buddhism teaches that , the members of the , should live a simple life where they have the necessities to be comfortable and no more.