Anne's opinions on school
Read the Gaelic text and answer the questions which follow. You can look at the vocabulary list if you think you need to.
Is mise Anna Nic an T貌isich agus tha mi air a' cheathramh bliadhna san 脿rd-sgoil. Anns an sgoil, tha mi a' d猫anamh Beurla, Cruinn-e貌las, Ce貌l, 骋脿颈诲丑濒颈驳 agus Fraingis. Is toigh leam Ce貌l oir tha e furasta agus tha an tidsear agam laghach. Bidh mi a' cluich na cl脿rsaich agus tha mi math air seinn. Cha toigh leam Beurla idir, tha e doirbh.
What year is Anne in?
Tha mi air a' cheathramh bliadhna.
A' cheathramh means 'fourth' and bliadhna is the Gaelic for 'year'.
What does Anne say about her Music teacher?
Tha an tidsear agam laghach tells us that the teacher is 'nice' or 'good-natured'. Snog is another word for 'nice'.
What is Anne good at?
She is 'good at singing' - math air seinn.
Why doesn't she like English?
Tha e doirbh 鈥 'it's difficult'