
Specific cellular defences against pathogensLymphocytes

Lymphocytes are the white blood cells involved in the specific immune response. They produce antibodies that respond to specific antigens on the surface of pathogens. Memory cells remain in the blood stream and lead to a quicker and stronger defence against a secondary infection by the same pathogen.

Part of Human BiologyNeurobiology and immunology


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Medical illustration of a lymphocyte

Lymphocytes are the white blood cells involved in the specific immune response. They recognise specific on invading . Antigens are molecules, often proteins, located on the surface of cells that trigger a specific immune response.

Lymphocytes detect that the proteins and pathogens are foreign - not naturally occurring within the body - and produce . This can take a few days, during which time you may feel ill.

The antibodies created by the lymphocytes cause pathogens to stick together and make it easier for to engulf them.

Each lymphocyte produces its own specific receptor that corresponds to a specific antigen. When a lymphocyte encounters that antigen it multiplies, creating large numbers of identical lymphocytes bearing that particular receptor.

Diagram showing how antibodies attach themselves to antigens
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Antibodies released by lymphocytes can attach to antigens on on a pathogen
Diagram showing how antibodies cause pathogens to stick together
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This causes pathogens to stick together, making it easier for phagocytes to engulf them

Some pathogens produce which make you feel ill. Lymphocytes can also produce to neutralise these toxins. This means that the toxins cannot bind to body cells and cause damage.

Antibodies and antitoxins are highly specific to the antigen or toxin that is made by the pathogen. That is why we say that the lymphocytes that produce them are specific.

There are two types of lymphocyte:

  • B lymphocytes
  • T lymphocytes