
LeisureFilm and cinema blog 3

In the National 5 Reading paper you need to read three texts in Spanish and answer questions on them in English. You need to understand detailed written language on different contexts: society, learning, employability and culture.

Part of SpanishReading

Film and cinema blog 3

Read the mini-blog below on the topic of films and cinema. Once you have read it, answer the questions that follow.

Odio ir al cine. Soy deportista y prefiero estar al aire libre. En vez de ir al cine hago deporte.

Si tengo que ver una pel铆cula, prefiero los documentales. Al menos puedo aprender algo y no es una p茅rdida de tiempo.

Si tengo tiempo, prefiero ver un programa de deporte con deportes de equipo en la tele.

Para mi hermana Julia es lo contrario, tiene un carn茅 de socio para el cine y va al cine cada dos d铆as. Le encantan las pel铆culas extranjeras.


Why does she hate going to the cinema?


Why does she like documentaries?


What does she say about her sister鈥檚 cinema habits?


What type of films does her sister love?