Question types
You will come across different question types
Some chemistry specific question types:
For calculations, show all of your working. You can often gain marks for the process even if you have used the wrong information to do the calculation.
Units are often not required, however, if you do include them they must be correct.
'Using your knowledge of chemistry' questions
These are worth 3 marks, there are two per paper. There is no one specific answer:
- marks are given for breadth - i.e. you can give some details about lots of related information
- or
- marks are given for depth - i.e. you can go into lots of detail about a specific aspect
Markers are looking for your understanding of the concepts involved in the question and linking different concepts together.
The use of chemical formulae and equations, relationships, examples, diagrams and structures is desirable.
Your answer can be in sentences or developed bullet points.
Your answer is taken as a whole and doesn鈥檛 have to be complete or perfect to get 3 marks.