

Within the visible light range of the , there is a of colour. This is a range of colours. In order of increasing (and decreasing ) these are given as:

  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • green
  • blue
  • indigo
  • violet

Each colour within the visible light spectrum has its own narrow band of wavelength and frequency.

Reflection and absorption of colour

Waves can be at the boundary between two different materials. When waves are absorbed by a surface, the energy of the wave is transferred to the particles in the surface. This will usually increase the of the particles.

When white light shines on an object, some wavelengths or colours of light are absorbed. These wavelengths are not detected by our eyes. The other wavelengths are reflected, and these are detected by our eyes. White light is a combination of all of the colours in the visible light spectrum.

For example, grass appears green in white light:

  • red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo and violet are absorbed by the grass
  • green light is reflected by the grass and detected by our eyes
A green sphere - with all the colours in the spectrum hitting the object. Three green arrows extent out of the object - this represents the green light being reflected.

Coloured objects in coloured light

An object appears to be black if it absorbs all the wavelengths of visible light. For example, an object that appears blue in white light will appear black in red light. This is because the red light contains no blue light for the object to reflect.