Reading - sports rules
Andrew and Isla have gone to their local youth club. They are reading the latest information about a sports competition.
Riaghailtean nan co-fharpaisean
- Feumaidh ainmean a bhith aig Iain MacUilleim airson sgiobaidhean ball-coise, iomain agus hocaidh ro 4.00f Diluain 17 L霉nastal.
- Feumaidh d' ainm a bhith aig Iain MacUilleim airson sn脿mh no teanas ro 4.00f Dim脿irt 18 L霉nastal.
- Feumaidh br貌gan-sp貌rs a bhith air gach neach a tha a' cluich anns an ionad-sp貌rs, talla na sgoile no an raon teanais.
What does Riaghailtean nan co-fharpaisean mean?
Rules of the competitions.
This requires careful reading: riaghailtean - 'rules', nan - 'of the' and co-fharpaisean - 'competitions'.
What is the deadline for handing in the names of the football, shinty and hockey teams?
Before 4.00pm on Monday 17 August.
Notice that 'before 4.00pm' is ro 4.00f and that f, shortened from feasgar, stands for 'pm'.
Where must you wear trainers, according to the rules?
In the sports centre, school hall and on the tennis court.
ionad place or centre
talla hall
raon field or court
raon-cluiche playing field