Calum's favourite pastimes
Is mise Calum MacAonghais agus 's e ball-coise an cur-seachad as fhe脿rr leam. Bidh mi a' cluich ball-coise a h-uile latha. 'S e D霉n D猫agh an sgioba ball-coise a bhios mi a' leantainn. Is toigh leam cuideachd a bhith a' coimhead an telebhisean. Bidh mi a' coimhead pr貌graman chloinne air 大象传媒 ALBA.
What is his name?
Malcolm MacInnes.
'Malcolm' is English for Calum.
What's his favourite pastime?
The key words to look for here are:
ball-coise football
an cur-seachad pastime
as fhe脿rr leam I like best
What team does he support?
D霉n D猫agh is the Gaelic for 'Dundee'. Bidh mi a' leantainn literally means 'I follow'.
What other pastime does he mention?
Watching TV.
A' coimhead is the Gaelic for 'watching'. You will often see telebhisean abbreviated to TBh 鈥 'TV'.