
Society - Hobbies conversation

The following audio is the second part of a conversation which covers all four contexts at Higher. A Higher performance-talking must cover at least two contexts. This conversation transitions from the context of Society - Hobbies into the context of Employability - Work.

Give your own answers to the following questions, then listen to the example conversation audio, which includes sample answers.

Conversation - Part 2

Questions covered in the conversation.

  • An innis thu beagan a bharrachd dhomh mu dheidhinn do chur-seachad ma-th脿?
  • Cuin a th貌isich thu air...?
  • Am bi thu a' cluich sp貌rs sam bith (eile)?
  • Am bi thu a' coimhead鈥?
  • An urrainn dhut sn脿mh?

Practice conversation - Society - Hobbies


Mar a thuirt mi roimhe 鈥 as I said before

Seata - set

Feadan - chanter

B' 脿bhaist dhomh - I used to

Aig a' ch霉l - at the back

Gun teagamh sam bith - without any doubt

Air mo bhe貌-ghlacadh leis 鈥 fascinated by it

Cille Mhe脿rnaig - Kilmarnock

Daithead - diet

D脿 liotair de dh'uisge - two litres of water

Move on to the next page if you'd like to follow a Gaelic or English transcription of the conversation as you listen. Or try the Test.