
Carrying out an experiment

Practical skills

Practical skills are needed to use apparatus correctly, skilfully and safely in order to obtain accurate, reliable results.

The skills needed to carry out the following practicals may be assessed:

  • 1.1 鈥 make a temporary slide and use a to examine, draw and identify the structures of a typical plant and animal cell and produce labelled biological drawings.
  • 1.2 鈥 investigate the need for light and in by testing a leaf for starch.
  • 1.3 鈥 investigate the energy content of food by burning food samples.
  • 1.4 鈥 investigate the effect of temperature on the action of an .
  • 1.5 鈥 investigate factors affecting the of yeast.
  • 1.6 鈥 use to investigate the abundance of plants and/or animals in a .
  • 2.1 鈥 investigate the process of by measuring the change in length or mass of plant tissue or model cells using Visking tubing.
  • 2.2 鈥 use a (bubble and weight potometer) to investigate the factors affecting the rate of water uptake by a plant and washing line method to investigate the factors affecting the rate of water loss from leaves.
  • 2.3 鈥 investigate the effect of different chemicals or antibiotic discs on the growth of bacteria.

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