
GravitationGravity and mass

Projectile motion is analysed in terms of vertical and horizontal components. The gravitational force between objects depends on their mass and the distance between their centres.

Part of PhysicsOur dynamic universe

Gravity and mass

Sir Isaac Newton is often visualised with an apple falling from a tree.

The real meaning of Newton's work on gravitation concerns the attractive which exists between any two masses simply because they have .

Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points.

The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation is written as:


The constant of proportionality is the universal gravitational constant ("big G") which equals \(6.674\times{10^{- 11}}N{m^2}k{g^{- 2}}\).

Object of mass m1 exerts force of attraction F1 on object of mass m2. Second object exerts force F2 on first object. Objects are distance r apart. F1 = F2 = G times (m1 times m2 over r squared).

Overall this equation is simpler than it looks as long as you ensure that:

  • distance is given between centres
  • units are all in metres and kilograms

The force of gravity exists between all objects. The closer together the objects are, the more noticeable the effect. But gravity only becomes noticeable when you have at least one very big mass (a planet for example).


A planet is a third of the distance from a star as another planet of the same mass. Will it have three times the gravitational attraction?