Three and four mark questions
These are similar to one and two mark questions but you will be expected to write in more depth for three and four mark questions.
Edexcel questions courtesy of Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample question 1 - Foundation
All objects emit electromagnetic radiation. The intensity and wavelength of the emitted radiation vary with the temperature of the object.
Figure 1 shows this variation for a filament lamp at two different temperatures.
The visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum is also shown.
Describe how intensity of the emitted radiation changes with temperature. [3 marks]
As the temperature increases, the intensity increases at all wavelengths. As the temperature increases, the maximum intensity occurs at a shorter wavelength.
Look carefully at the data given in the graph. Comment on the differences you see between the graphs at the different temperatures.
Sample question 2 - Higher
Explain why a filament lamp appears brighter and less red as its temperature increases. [4 marks]
As temperature increases, the intensity increases. Red light has a wavelength of around 700 nm. At low temperatures, the more intense light is around 700 nm so the filament lamp appears red. As the temperature increases wavelengths shorter than 700 nm become much more intense so the lamp becomes much brighter and less red.
Look carefully at the data given in the graph. Comment on the differences you see between the graphs at the different temperatures and try to link these to the differences in colours suggested in the question.