
Calculating fractions and percentages Calculating percentages

Calculating a fraction of a number can be done by multiplying by the numerator (top number) and dividing by the denominator (bottom number). Percentages can be worked out by multiplying by the percentage and dividing by one hundred.

Part of MathsFractions, decimals and percentages

Calculating percentages

You need to be able to use basic skills of working with percentages for many different calculations. Percentages are often used for:

  • prices and sales
  • saving and borrowing money
  • test scores

Most questions about percentages will be in a real life context.

Per cent means 'out of one hundred', so \(15\%\) means \(15\) out of \(100\).

\(15\% = \frac{{15}}{{100}}\)


Calculate \(15\%\) of \(\pounds200\)


\(\frac{15}{100}\times 200= \pounds30\)

Now try the example questions below.


Find \(30\%\) of \(\pounds800\).

Calculate percentages with a calculator

You can use a calculator to work out percentages in just the same way as you you worked with fractions. Just remember that a percentage is the same as a fraction of one hundred.

For exammple \(15%\) means the same as \(\frac{15}{100}\).

To work out \(15%\) of \(924\) on a calculator, you could enter any of the following:

\(15 \div 100 \times 924\)

\(924 \div 100 \times 15\)

\(924 \times 15 \div 100\)

Each gives the same answer of \(138.6\)

Answer the following, either on paper or using a calculator.


Find \(17\%\) of \(340kg\)


Find \(15\%\) of \(260cm\)