
Calculating fractions and percentages Simplifying percentages into fractions

Calculating a fraction of a number can be done by multiplying by the numerator (top number) and dividing by the denominator (bottom number). Percentages can be worked out by multiplying by the percentage and dividing by one hundred.

Part of MathsFractions, decimals and percentages

Simplifying percentages into fractions

Some percentages can be converted easily into fractions and worked out more quickly that way. For example:

\(50\% = \frac{{50}}{{100}} = \frac{1}{2}\)




Now try the example questions below.


Find \(50\%\) of \(\pounds400\).


\(20\%\) of the \(225\) pupils in S4 at a particular school catch the school bus home.

How many pupils catch the school bus?