
Current, potential difference and resistance

Jonny Nelson explains resistance with a GCSE Physics practical experiment

The in a circuit depends on the and the . It is easy to think of each of these in the following way:

  • the current is the flow of electric
  • the potential difference provides the 'push'
  • the resistance restricts the flow of charges


Electric wires are made of metal, which have electrical resistance. The atoms in a solid metal are arranged in a regular structure. The outer from each atom are free to move through the structure, forming a current. However, they may collide with atoms or meet defects in the lattice. This reduces the number of electrons flowing, which reduces the current.

have a low resistance and have a high resistance.

Learn more on current, resistance and potential difference in this podcast

Calculating potential difference

When a charge moves through a potential difference, is done and energy is transferred. Potential difference can be calculated using the equation:

potential difference = current 脳 resistance

This is when:

  • potential difference is measured in volts (V)
  • current is measured in amps (A)
  • resistance is measured in ohms (\(\Omega\))


A current of 2.0 A flows through a component with a resistance of 40 \(\Omega\). Calculate the potential difference.

potential difference = current 脳 resistance

= 2.0 脳 40

= 80 V


A current of 2.0 A flows through a component with a potential difference of 12 V. Calculate the resistance of the component.

Resistance in series and parallel circuits

Resistors in series

In a circuit the total resistance across all of the components (the 'net resistance') increases as more components are added.

This circuit shows an example of resistors in series.

The two resistors have the same current flowing through them. The potential difference across them will be different if they have different resistances. The total resistance for this circuit is: R1 + R2.

Resistors in parallel

In a parallel circuit the net resistance decreases as more components are added, because there are more paths for the current to flow through.

This circuit shows an example of resistors in parallel.

The two resistors have the same potential difference across them. The current flowing through them will be different if they have different resistances.

The total current in the circuit is the sum of the currents through each branch. The total resistance for this circuit is calculated by dividing the potential difference of the cell by the total current for the circuit.