
Quaker (Society of Friends) worship

The place of worship is called a meeting house, which they describe as 'a space of gathered stillness'.

Image caption,
A Quaker meeting house built between 1787 and 1801, Vermont, USA

Features of worship

  • Services are usually in a very plain room, with seating arranged in a square or circle. There may be a Bible, Quaker texts and some flowers on a table, but very little decoration.
  • Sunday worship can sometimes be structured, but it is more often completely free and open to the presence of God inspiring people to take part. There are no priests or ministers. The Sunday meeting usually lasts about an hour. Non-Quakers are welcome at meetings.
  • Meetings are based on silence, waiting and listening to the promptings of truth and love that arise from God. This silence is different from alone. It is a shared experience in which everyone is aware of each other as they seek to experience God for themselves.
  • If someone feels called to say something that will deepen the worship, or if they wish to pray or read aloud, they may do so.