
Part-time workGaelic text: Reading a blog

Reading a variety of Gaelic texts will help you to understand the language. This piece and the related quiz include phrases connected to occupations, days of the week and telling the time.

Part of Gaelic (Learners)Reading

Gaelic text: Reading a blog

Maria is writing a blog. Read what she has to say and answer the questions which follow. You can look at the vocabulary list if you think you need to.

An illustration of a girl working in a hotel
Figure caption,
An illustration of a girl working in a hotel

Tha mi air leth toilichte - tha obair 霉r agam! Tha mi ag obair p脿irt-霉ine ann an Taigh-貌sta na P脿irce ann am meadhan bhaile Mhalaig. 'S e neach鈥揻rithealaidh a th' annam. Bidh mi ag obair gach 顿颈尘脿颈谤迟 agus Diciadain. Bidh mi a' t貌iseachadh aig cairteal an d猫idh c貌ig feasgar agus bidh mi deiseil aig aon uair deug. Tha an taigh-b矛dh uabhasach trang, gu h-脿raidh aig an deireadh sheachdain. Nuair a bhios mi deiseil sa cholaiste, ch貌rdadh e rium a bhith nam ch貌caire ann an taigh-b矛dh spaideil mar seo.


Why is Maria so happy?


On which days of the week does Maria work?

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