
Part-time jobs

Practise speaking French by listening to these questions and answers on the topic of Employability.

Question 3

Est-ce que tu as un petit boulot? Si oui, quoi? Si non, qu鈥檈st-ce que tu voudrais faire comme petit boulot?

Do you have a part-time job? If so, what? If not, what would you like to do as your part-time job?

Answer 3

Oui, j鈥檃i un petit boulot. Je travaille dans le supermarch茅 les dimanches. Je n鈥檃ime pas le travail. C鈥檈st ennuyeux.

Yes I have a part-time job. I work in the supermarket on Sundays. I don鈥檛 like work. It is boring.

Alternative Answer 3

Non, je n鈥檃i pas de petit boulot. Je voudrais faire du babysitting parce que c鈥檈st facile et bien pay茅.

No, I don鈥檛 have a part-time job. I would like to do some babysitting because it is easy and well paid.

French - Part-time Jobs: A henchwoman explains that she has an additional job and mentions how much money she earns. She explains the advantages and disadvantages of her two jobs. The henchman discusses an internship he did, which gave him a taste of his dream job.

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