
Jesus’ resurrection (Matthew 28: 1–10)

After the was over, early on the Sunday morning, the women returned to the tomb. A number of unusual events happened when they arrived.

  • There was another earthquake and an angel appeared and rolled away the stone from the entrance to the tomb and sat on it.
  • The soldiers who were guarding the tomb were so frightened that they “became like dead men”. This could mean that they fainted or were knocked unconscious during the earthquake.
  • The angel spoke to the women telling them that Jesus had risen.
  • The women ran to tell the disciples the great news, but before they got there they met Jesus and fell at his feet worshipping him.
  • Jesus told them to tell the disciples that he would meet them in Galilee.

The most important day in the Christian year is Easter Sunday, when Jesus was raised to new life. Because of this, Christians made Sunday their Sabbath (holy day).

Jesus' death and resurrection opens the possibility of eternal life with God for all people. Death is not something to be feared. It is a gateway into a new and richer life. This is a comfort to Christians facing death or grieving the death of loved ones. They believe separation is not final. Those who have died are with God.

Through resurrection, Christians believe life has triumphed over death, good over evil, hope over despair. The resurrection is a sign of God's great power. Nothing is too great for God to achieve, and this is comforting and encouraging for Christians in difficulty.

Christians believe that when they are baptised they share in the resurrection of Jesus and so are brought into a new relationship with God. They show this in their actions by being kind and loving.