
Acids, alkalis and the pH scaleNeutralisation

The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Acids and bases have a wide variety of uses and can react together in neutralisation reactions.

Part of ScienceChemical changes


A chemical reaction happens if you mix together an acid and a base. The reaction is called . A neutral solution is made if you add just the right amount of acid and base together.

Watch this video to see how a salt can be produced in the lab by neutralising sulfuric acid with a metal carbonate, in this case copper carbonate.

Producing copper sulfate by reacting copper carbonate with sulfuric acid.

Using neutralisation

Here are some ways neutralisation is used:

  • Farmers use lime (calcium oxide) to neutralise acid soils.
  • Your stomach contains hydrochloric acid, and too much of this causes indigestion. Antacid tablets contain bases such as magnesium hydroxide and magnesium carbonate to neutralise the extra acid.
A tractor ploughing lime
Image caption,
Farmers use lime (shown in white) to fertilise acidic soil

When an acid is added to an alkali the pH of the acid increases towards 7 and the pH of the alkali decreases towards 7.