
Questions on motion


If a question states 'from rest' what information about the equations is being given?


If a question states 'freely under gravity', what information about the equations is being given?


An object lifts off vertically and takes a time of 4s to reach the highest point. What time will it take to fall back to Earth?


A ball is projected vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 24.5 ms-1.

The effects of air resistance may be neglected.

Calculate the time taken for the ball to reach its maximum height.

Vector diagram where upwards is positive direction for vectors. U equals 24.5 metres per second upwards. V equals zero. A equals 9.8 metres per second per second downwards. T and s are both unknown.


Now calculate the maximum height reached by the ball to the nearest metre.


A nail is fired from a nail gun into a fixed block of wood. The nail has a speed of 380 ms-1 just as it enters the wood.

Vector diagram where left to right is the positive direction for vectors. U equals 380 metres per second left to right. V equals zero. S equals 60 millimetres. A and t are both unknown.

The nail comes to rest after penetrating 60 mm into the wood.

Find the time taken for the nail to come to rest. Assume that the frictional force on the nail is constant as it penetrates the wood.