
How much engagement is there in politics in the UK?

Engagement in UK-wide politics

Outside a polling station
Figure caption,
Outside a polling station

There has been concern that interest and participation in politics has been in decline. For UK-wide general elections, voter turnout has been falling during the last 50 years from 78% in 1958 down to 59% in 2001. The last general election was a little better, however, with 67% of the electorate turning out to vote for the general election in 2019.

Engagement in Scottish politics

The percentage of people voting in the Scottish Parliamentary election follows a similar pattern.

Election yearVoter turnout
Election year1999
Voter turnout59.1%
Election year2003
Voter turnout49.4%
Election year2007
Voter turnout52.4%
Election year2011
Voter turnout50.4%
Election year2016
Voter turnout55.6%
Election year2021
Voter turnout63%

What impact have recent referenda had?

Campaign posters at a polling station in Stirling
Figure caption,
Campaign posters at a polling station in Stirling

The two recent referenda 鈥 on Scottish Independence and then on 鈥 have seen higher voting turnouts and have been credited with re-igniting an interest in and an engagement with politics.

The 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum

The 2014 Independence Referendum saw a voter turnout rate of 84.6% 鈥 the highest ever recorded in the UK. This could be because in referendums there is one clear issue to vote on with the promise of a clear, defined outcome and every vote counts.

Like voter turnouts, membership of political parties has generally declined since the 1950s. As of 2017, 1.7% of the population were members of one of the major political parties.

Party membership in Scotland is a little different. The SNP had around 25,000 members before the independence referendum. After the referendum this increased to around 125,000. However, there has been a decline in membership. According to the National, a pro-independence newspaper, membership levels are 74,889 as of April 2023.

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