Understanding musical signs and symbolsKey signatures
Composers use a range of signs and symbols to convey how they want their music to be played. Understanding these will help you perform more accurately and with more style.
The key signature tells you which notes should be played as sharpA semitone higher in pitch or flatA semitone lower in pitch throughout a piece of music and therefore what key the piece should be played in.
The examples above show how the keys of G major and F major are represented.
You learn about four keys at National 5:
C major
F major
G major
A minor
These are only a few of the more common examples of musical keys. There are many more keys that you may be required to learn and play a piece of music in.
When a composer wants to include a one-off sharp or flat, or cancel one that is in the key signature, they use accidentals.
Accidentals only apply to one bar of the music, not the whole piece.