
What is being assessed?

Over the whole paper:

  • approximately 85 marks are from your knowledge and understanding
  • approximately 35 marks are from skills based questions

The following knowledge and understanding and skills will be assessed: (taken from SQA appendix 2 question paper brief)

  • Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of biology by making statements, describing information, providing explanations and integrating knowledge.
  • Applying knowledge and understanding of biology to new situations, interpreting information and solving problems.
  • Planning and designing experiments and investigations.
  • Selecting information from a variety of sources.
  • Presenting information appropriately in a variety of forms.
  • Processing information and data using calculations and units where appropriate.
  • Making predictions and generalisations based on evidence and information.
  • Drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence and justification.
  • Evaluating experiments and investigations and suggesting improvements.

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