
Other negative phrases

There are a number of negative expressions that work with no:

  • nada (nothing)
  • nadie (nobody, no one)
  • ninguno/a/os/as (no, none, not one, not any)
  • tampoco (neither, not either)
  • ni ... ni (neither ... nor)

These negative words can be used in two different ways:

1. Place no in front of the verb and the negative word after it. For example:

  • No hay nadie en la fiesta (There's no one at the party).
  • 惭补谤铆补 no trabaja nunca los s谩bados (惭补谤铆补 never works on Saturdays).
  • No quiero ni fruta ni verduras (I don't want either fruit or vegetables).
  • No hay ningunos problemas (There are no problems).

2. Place the negative word in front of the verb and drop the no. For example:

  • Nadie fue a la fiesta (Nobody went to the party).
  • Nada va a pasar (Nothing is going to happen).
  • Tampoco tengo un hermano (I don't have a brother either).
  • Nunca hago ejercicio (I never do exercise).

闯补尘谩蝉 is a more forceful way of saying never, eg jam谩s lo har茅 (I will never ever do it).


Pero means but in Spanish, but it isn't the only word that is used.

Sino is used to mean but rather or but on the other hand (ie instead), eg no voy al restaurante, sino ceno en casa (I'm not going to the restaurant, instead I'm having dinner at home).

Sino is often seen in the structure no s贸lo ... sino tambi茅n ... (not only ... but also ...), eg No s贸lo es muy elegante, sino tambi茅n es caro (It's not only stylish but also expensive).

Sometimes in English but is used to mean except. For example: No one but Nadia remained in the room. This isn't the case in Spanish, as menos/excepto/salvo are used to mean except, eg todos ten铆an sed excepto Nuria (everyone was thirsty except Nuria).


Translate these negative sentences into English.

  1. Nadie vino al club.
  2. Mi hermana no come nunca la carne.
  3. La comida basura no s贸lo es malsana, sino tambi茅n es grasienta.
  4. Los ni帽os no comen ni pizza ni pasta.
  5. Todav铆a no he visitado el castillo.
  6. No hay 苍颈苍驳煤苍 tipo de comida que me gusta.
  7. No tengo nada en mi maleta.
  8. No voy a hacer nada durante las vacaciones