Hindus worship by meditating, praying, celebrating festivals and going on pilgrimage. Hindus may worship at home or in temples called mandirs. Doing good work is also important within Hinduism.
Hindus often express their religion in the ways they treat others, and this has an impact on society. Every Hindu has a personal duty (varnashrama dharma) to earn as much good karma/kammaActions, and the consequences of actions. An important concept in Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. as they can, and there are various ways they can do this:
sewaSelfless service to the community. - service to other people and the community
danaGenerosity, giving. - giving generously, for example giving money to charity
Name two ways that Hindus express their social concerns in action.
Hindus express their social concerns through sewa (service) and dana (giving).