Types of personal data
Some dataValues, typically letters or numbers. and informationData that has meaning, not just a number or a letter. stored on a computer is personal and needs to be kept confidential. People want to keep their pay, bank details, and medical records private and away from the view of just anybody. If someone who is not entitled to see these details can obtain access without permission it is unauthorised access.
Two types of personal data
Personal data is about living people and could be:
- their name
- address
- medical details or banking details
Sensitive personal data is also about living people, but it includes one or more details of a data subjectAnyone who has data stored about them.:
- racial or ethnic origin
- political opinions
- religion
- membership of a trade union
- health
- sex life
- criminal activity
There are fewer safeguards for personal data than there are for sensitive personal data. In most cases a person must be asked specifically if sensitive data can be kept about them.