Can you talk about your GCSE subjects?
Part of Irish – Learners (CCEA)School life, studies and work
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Finish the following sentences in Irish. Críochnaigh na habairtí i nGaeilge.
Use the words from the list below. Bain úsáid as na focail ón bhosca thíos.
ú, íDzԲ, پú, éٱԲ, éԲԲ, ڴDzíDzԲ, 辱پú, riachtanach
Sa rang Mata, ________ muid a lán suimeanna.
The answer is éԲԲ. In Maths class we do a lot of sums.
Sa rang Gaeilge __________ muid leis an mhúinteoir.
The answer is éٱԲ. In Irish class we listen to the teacher.
Is rang ________ é an rang Teicneolaíochta.
The answer is پú. Technology class is a practical class.
Sa rang Bitheolaíochta, ______________ muid faoi phlandaí.
The answer is ڴDzíDzԲ. In Biology class, we learn about plants.
Is ábhar ___________ é Béarla.
The answer is riachtanach. English is an essential subject.
Sa rang Staire ________ muid a lán aistí.
The answer is íDzԲ. In History class we write a lot of essays.
Sa rang Ealaíne, tarraingím _________ .
The answer is 辱پú. In Art class, I draw pictures.
Is ábhar ____________ é Mata Breise.
The answer is ú. Additional Maths is an academic subject.