
Describing yourselfAline and 闯茅谤茅尘测

Understanding straightforward written French demands a knowledge of vocabulary and an awareness of grammar. With these skills it is possible to find the main message of a text and specific details.

Part of FrenchReading

Aline and 闯茅谤茅尘测

Read the following two posts from people looking for pen pals online, then answer the questions.


Coucou! Je m鈥檃ppelle Aline. Je suis marrante et j鈥檃dore passer mon temps libre avec mes amis, on rigole tout le temps.

Au lyc茅e j鈥櫭﹖udie le dessin, je r锚ve d鈥櫭猼re cr茅atrice. J鈥檃dore Chanel, Dior et tous les cr茅ateurs fran莽ais. J'attends vos messages!


Bonjour! Je m鈥檃ppelle 闯茅谤茅尘测. Je suis 茅tudiant au lyc茅e. J鈥櫭﹖udie les langues vivantes et le dessin.

Mes passe-temps pr茅f茅r茅s sont la lecture et les arts. J鈥檃ime bien discuter de tout.

Mes amis me disent que j鈥檃i beaucoup d鈥檌magination. 脌 bient么t.


How does Aline describe herself?


How does 闯茅谤茅尘测 describe himself?


What does Aline like doing?


闯茅谤茅尘测 says he likes the arts, but what does he say is his favourite past time?

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