
Reproduction, fertility and contraception (CCEA)Sex hormones

Most animals carry out sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction involves the joining of two sex cells (gametes) – the sperm (male gamete) and the egg/ovum (female gamete).

Part of Biology (Single Science)Body systems

Sex hormones

The produce .

The produce .

These hormones cause secondary sexual characteristics to develop at .

MaleFemale Both
Testes enlarge.Sexual organs enlarge and breasts develop.Body and pubic hair grows.
Body becomes more muscular.Pelvis and hips widen.Sexual awareness and sex drive increase.
Voice deepens.Menstruation begins.
MaleTestes enlarge.
FemaleSexual organs enlarge and breasts develop.
BothBody and pubic hair grows.
MaleBody becomes more muscular.
FemalePelvis and hips widen.
BothSexual awareness and sex drive increase.
MaleVoice deepens.
FemaleMenstruation begins.

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