
Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages - OCRConverting recurring decimals - Higher

Fractions, decimals and percentages are frequently used in everyday life. Knowing how to convert between them improves general number work and problem solving skills.

Part of MathsNumber

Converting recurring decimals - Higher

A recurring decimal exists when decimal numbers repeat forever. For example, \(0. \dot{3}\) means 0.333333... - the decimal never ends.

Dot notation is used with recurring decimals. The dot above the number shows which numbers recur, for example \(0.5 \dot{7}\) is equal to 0.5777777... and \(0. \dot{2} \dot{7}\) is equal to 0.27272727...

If two dots are used, they show the beginning and end of the recurring group of numbers: \(0. \dot{3} 1 \dot{2}\) is equal to 0.312312312...


How is the number 0.57575757... written using dot notation?

In this case, the recurring numbers are the 5 and the 7, so the answer is \(0. \dot{5} \dot{7}\).


Write \(\frac{5}{6}\) as a decimal.

Divide 5 by 6. 5 divided by 6 is 0, remainder 5, so carry the 5 to the tenths column.

50 divided by 6 is 8, remainder 2.

20 divided by 6 is 3 remainder 2.

Because the remainder is 2 again, the digit 3 is going to recur:

Diagram showing how to converting 5/6 into a recurring decimal

\(\frac{5}{6} = 0.8333 ... = 0.8\dot{3}\)

Algebra skills are needed to turn recurring decimals into fractions.


Convert \(0. \dot{1}\) to a fraction.

Firstly, write out \(0. \dot{1}\) as a number, using a few iterations (repeats) of the recurring digit. Give this number a name (\(x\) is usually used).

If \(x = 0. \dot{1}\) is written in long form, it is: \(x = 0.11111 \dotsc\) (the 1s repeat forever). It is now possible to manipulate the number to create another equation which can be used to find the fraction.

As there is a 1 in every decimal place, it will be difficult to eliminate this, unless another number can be found that also has a recurring 1 in every decimal place. If this happens, one decimal can be subtracted from the other, removing all the recurring numbers.

\(x = 0.11111 \dotsc\) contains only one digit that recurs - the 1. To create another number with recurring 1s, multiply \(x = 0.11111\) by 10. This will give \(10x = 1.11111 \dotsc\)

If one digit recurs, multiply by 10. If two digits recur, multiply by 100. If three digits recur, multiply by 1,000, and so on.


\(x = 0.11111 \dotsc\)

\(10x = 1.11111 \dotsc\)

To solve these two equations and write \(0. \dot{1}\) as a fraction, take \(x\) away from \(10x\) to remove all the recurring decimal places:

\(10x - x = 1.11111 \dotsc - 0.11111 \dotsc\)

So: \(9x = 1\)

Next, divide each side by 9, to get the value of \(1x\):

\(9x = 1\)

\(\div 9\)

\(x = \frac{1}{9}\)

\(0. \dot{1}\) as a fraction is \(\frac{1}{9}\).


Show that \(0. \dot{1} \dot{8}\) is equal to \(\frac{2}{11}\).


Show that \(0.2 \dot{8}\) is equal to \(\frac{13}{45}\).