
Potential difference

The flowing through a component depends on:

  • the of the
  • the across the component

Measuring potential difference

Potential difference is also known as and is measured in volts (V). The potential difference across a component is measured using a placed with a component such as a lamp, as shown in this diagram:

Circuit with a cell, switch and lamp. A voltmeter is connected in parallel with the lamp.

Energy, potential difference and charge

When a charge moves through a potential difference, electrical is done and energy transferred. The energy transferred can be calculated using the equation:

energy transferred = charge 脳 potential difference

This is when:

  • energy is measured in joules (J)
  • charge is measured in coulombs (C)
  • potential difference is measured in volts (V)


2 C of charge transfers 4 J of energy. Calculate the potential difference needed.

Rearrange the equation:

energy transferred = charge 脳 potential difference

potential difference = energy transferred 梅 charge

potential difference = 4 梅 2

= 2 V


3 C of charge moves through a potential difference of 6 V. Calculate the energy transferred.